64keys & GeniusReport
coaching, training and education.
Human Design for Professionals.
Getting to the point of your Human Design Analysis.
Hello, I’m Nicole, and if you want, I can be your 64keys coach. I have been working professionally with Human Design since 2006. I love to examine people’s force fields using 64keys or the GeniusReport and find the essential points in them.
As a workshop teacher I help you to bring your Human Design analysis skills to the next level.
You can book personal online consultations with me, and schedule these appointments right here online.
I look forward to seeing you online.
NICOLE EBHART, BORN ON 23. 02. 1975, 16:05, VIENNA
My offers at a glance
Depending on your question and given situation, I offer different settings:
64keys Force-Field-Analysis
A professional analysis of your Human Design Chart from A-Z. Specializations, potentials, health, and much more.
Personal coaching for your specific needs
Individual support to activate forces and come up with your own solutions.
64keys Training
For 64keys students: Professional techniques to interpret a force field even better.
GeniusReport Coaching
How to get closer to your Genius and unfold authentically.
Training for Professionals
Here you can also find dates for 64keys and GeniusReport Training in English.
I illuminate Charts.
for 64keys & GeniusReport
And there are more every day ...
20 Jahre Erfahrung im Human Design.
64keys Training
I want to thank you for your clear and effective sessions, Nicole. They have been very helpful.
Genius Training
I enjoyed this training very much. Even though I didn’t have specific questions, it was very useful to watch you navigate and explain different areas of the chart and program. There is so much here and I’m excited to keep learning about 64keys. I look forward to future sessions.
Genius Training
I would like to thank you very much for the training. The GeniusReport and your user training has changed a lot of things in my life in a short time.
Human Design Coaching
Your training has once again opened up a deeper understanding of how my situation relates to my starting position in the chart, my profile and my cycles.
64keys Training
Thank you very much for our coaching session. The amount of the clarity you brought is amazing, and although I was aware of the fact that some big changes are coming into my life, thanks to some keywords that you used, I have much better clarity now.
64keys Coaching
Mein 64keys Coaching bei Nicole war genial. Sie hat mich sehr emphatisch dort abgeholt wo ich stand und viele Erkenntnisprozesse durch ihre hilfreichen Fragen und Aussagen bei mir ausgelöst. Ich habe es mir schon öfter angehört und kann immer wieder etwas Neues darin entdecken, was mir hilft, mich noch besser zu sehen, zu verstehen und wertzuschätzen. Von Herzen DANKE!!!
64keys Coaching
You have an amazing skill of sharing the knowledge. Thank you!
GeniusReport Training
OMG this was so informative, it answered so many of my questions. thank you thank you thank you.
Where would you like to take a closer look?
We can address a wide range of topics in your chart:
Elements of your force field such as gates, planets or circuit accentuation,…
Levels below the Bodygraph: Motivation, Perspective, Core Talent, Prosperity,…
Transits, cycles and returns, stages of life,…
Partnership dynamics, family issues or charts of children,…
I will happily take the time to have a close look with you!